Some of the benefits of the network activities are related to their characteristics:
- The development and technology transfer occurs effectively.
- It gathers knowledge of the concrete problems of the region.
- It joins a group of specialists who have advisory capacity, with an integrated approach in all aspects of monitoring and forecasting hydrometeorological systems and early warning systems.
- It is a valuable platform to support for development assistance actions
The events, that are organized regularly, and the disseminated material over the Internet, contribute significantly to:
- Capacity building, training and public education
Through coordination meetings, the following facts have been noted:
- There is an effective cooperation based on supporting among members
- The implemented multidisciplinary approach provides improved understanding of issues relating to the role of each one
- There are important individual improvements of network members that they transfer to their institutions
- Improvements in operational aspects of the represented institutions have been detected
In addition, several aspects of the pilot projects must be mentioned:
- Pilot projects are interesting as demonstration cases of approaches, methodologies and diagnostics.
- Some specific solutions for real problems are being tested.
- The exchange of knowledge and experiences through Internet discussion forums and the activities of the various working groups.
- Strengthening of institutional cooperation and capacity building are important benefits at regional, national and local levels.